Parcours des artistes
Established in 2007 by Christophe Rulhes, Julien Cassier and Sébastien Barrier,
the GdRA presents anthropological, pluridisciplinary theatre.
Using multifaceted, open materials – texts, movement, film, music – the GdRA combs ordinary, lively theatricality for the gestures and words of daily life produced by personal and community histories. The GdRA and its offering lie at the heart of the presumed commonality between the sophisticated and the vulgar, tradition and modernity, the far away and the close up, aesthetics and the cultural, etc.?
The company performs not only on stage but also in the streets, in apartments, and in museums, telling tales based on real-life investigations, occasionally accompanied by amateur or expert but always passionate actors or ordinary individuals.
It invites documentary and visual artists, dancers, comedians, graphic artists, sound recordists and electroacousticians to share in creating theatre based on individuals and their emotions.?
The GdRA goes out into the world to meet people, as ethnologists define this term, from whom it collects most of its writings, passing the social science techniques for gathering information – qualitative interviews, long-term observations, journal keeping, sound recordings and filming – through the prism of its aesthetic vision.
In its plays, performance pieces, meetings with the public, installations, exhibitions and workshops, the GdRA underscores a playful necessity: to create art from shared culture, the forms of which ignore disciplinary boundaries and identity labels.