Parcours des artistes
Residence dates:
9 may to 4 june and 26 september to 17 october 2011
Erwan Ha Kyoon Larcher, Maroussia Diaz Verbèke, Vimala Pons and Tsirihaka Harrivel began their work within Ivan Mosjoukine in 2007. Their research gave rise to two initial forms: Le cinéma ment and La disparition du slow.??
Tsirihaka Harrivel ?is a musician who became a theater then a circus performer. He trained in several schools, at the National Center for Circus Arts (where he met Alexandre Del Perugia), and at the National Conservatory for Advanced Studies in the Dramatic Arts. He performed with the companies Les Hommes Penchés / Christophe Huysman (Mâtitube) and M.P.T.A. Mathurin Bolze (Du goudron et des plumes), and created Contre moi (a lively short film under the supervision of Vimala Pons).
Maroussia Diaz Verbèke ?began with dance then discovered the circus with Le Cirque Ephémère. She entered the National School for Circus Arts in Rosny sous Bois, where she worked on the cloud swing and the slackwire, which enabled her to combine the two disciplines into one: the corde circare. She then trained at the National Center for Circus Arts, where she began working on Ivan Mosjoukine. She performs with the MPTA / Mathurin Bolze company (Du Goudron et des Plumes).??
Erwan Ha Kyoon Larcher ?trained in the balancing act and Chinese pole, then entered the National Conservatory for Advanced Studies in the Dramatic Arts. He performs with the M.P.T.A./ Mathurin Bolze company (Du goudron et des plumes).??
Vimala Pons
During her training at the National Conservatory for Advanced Studies in the Dramatic Arts, she spent a year at the National Center for Circus Arts, where she began juggling with Sébastien Wojdan and Raphaël Navarro and met Tsirihaka, Maroussia and Erwan. While going to school, they began working on Ivan Mosjoukine. She has acted in films (with Albert Dupontel, Franck Vestiel, François Favrat, Jacques Rivette, Patricia Platner, Frédéric Choffat, Baya Kasmi), and continues to act in the theater with Jean Michel Rabeux and Jacques Rebotier.