Les Ô parleurs / Participative Project

Are you interested in the following possibilities: talking about the productions and behind-the-scenes, giving your opinions just after the performance or later, collecting other spectators' opinions, running meetings between audience and artists, giving information to your networks and/or filling the subsistances’ blog? Everyone will find a role according to his/her interest, skills, preferences, and free time.

Schedule of meetings:
•   Thursday 7 October 7-9pm / Introduction - Actions on Xavier Kim and Anomalie
•    Thursday 4 November 7.30-10pm / ‘Chantier’ Alexandre Roccoli – Actions on the Russian Weekend and Zerep
•   Thursday 16 December 7-9pm / Meeting Turak - Actions on Turak
•   Thursday 3 February 7-9pm / Meeting Marie Vialle or Mathieu Bauer / Actions on Parlers d’ailleurs
•   Thursday 17 March 7-9pm / Meeting with an artist from Anticodes - Actions on Anticodes

Membership: €15 / 1 invite to the show per contribution.

Wanted: A dozen of spectators who are free for a few hours a month and who like art and interaction.

Contact us: Sandrine Dutreuil
sandrine.dutreuil@les-subs.com / +33 (0)4 78 30 37 73

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon