
A.K.Y.S. / Xavier Kim october 10 - 7:30pm
Length : 55 min

Xavier Kim wants to produce ‘complete’ circus, containing cartoonish gags for the kids as well as social and political satire for the grown-up audience. “People, dreams, fate, politics, democracy, daily life, global blossoming, choice, communication, all these are the facets of a thematic Rubik’s Cube at the heart of a first production, where four performers jump, dance, run, climb, talk and writhe on stage...", explains Xavier Kim. As a circus artist with astounding energy, Kim sees the stage as the ideal venue for permanent revolution.

“At the start, I wanted to handle a dual language. As if slipping on a protective outfit and going towards the strange phenomenon we like to call reality, which - more often than not, according to some people - tends to crush us. I was also interested in the ways it is possible to change it (or not). The aim being the answer to the question that invariably haunts us on challenging days, when we find ourselves brushing our teeth: why on earth am I not a superhero? Or the answer to questions such as the following, which is also a good one: If we could really do ‘something’, if everything became possible together, what would we do?" Xavier Kim

Original Idea by Xavier Kim. Lighting by  Benjamin Guillet. Music by Frédéric Blin. Graphics and Videos: Florent Tarrieux. Set Design by  Manu Cealis. Costumes by  Kennory Kim with the help of Yann Ecauvre, Xavier Kim, Soleil Koster, and Leonardo Mayorga.

Produced by A.K.Y.S.Projecte. Production services: Trajectoire. Coproduced by Les Subsistances, Laboratoire de création artistique / Lyon, Le Manège Maubeuge / Mons - scène nationale et transfrontalière, Le Volcan Le Havre - Scène nationale, Espace Pé-riphérique (Ville de Paris - Parc de la Villette), Le Théâtre de  Chatillon (92). With the support of D.M.D.T.S, DRAC Ile-de-France (application pending).


Xavier Kim

Residence dates: From 4 to 16 january 2010, from 11 to 23 october 2010

Xavier Kim was born in 1976. A belated but sufficient introspection showed him that judo may not be the best way towards flexibility and freed him from the tatamis he had been assiduously frequenting since childhood. He registered for a philosophy degree at the Sorbonne University, but struggled with containing his body. Having somehow managed to avoid all French cultural initiatives, he went to his first show at the age of 20, which immediately triggered something in his mind. THIS was what he wanted to do! From 1997 and for three years, Xavier and the collective La Muse Gueule occupied a space of artistic work and communication, meetings and experiences, in Montreuil. Within this period he got to discover clown acts with Eric Blouet (a member of the company Kumulus), and threw himself wholeheartedly in acrobatics with Lin Yun Biau and Liu Wei Wei (artists from the Beijing Opera and Circus). He tasted the water in dance with Jean-Christophe Bleton, with whom he started his career as a performer in Oukiva (2000), and pursued his adventures with Lin Yuan Shang (Petites Formes Chorégraphiques Itinérantes - 2002), Kitsou Dubois (Analogies - 2004), Lionel Hoche (Pan! - 2008), and theatre director Thomas Ferrand (Et les vivants ne mourront pas – 2009). Today he also works in collaboration with choreographer Rachid Ouramdane (Des témoins ordinaires - took over this role in 2009) and circus artists Boris Gibé and Camille Boitel (Fantasmallégorie - first production 2011). In parallel, he has been working on his own stage projects with A.K.Y.S. (#0.0 - 2003 ; 100%Croissance - 2007 ; Choi(s)x - 2010 - 3 first productions showcased at Les Subsistances).


Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon