They Said
Cast and crew
How can you get out of your own body? Tales of the Bodiless explores a condition that is difficult to imagine: a bodiless world. Eszter Salamon’s new project is situated somewhere between visual art and sound, and the usual hierarchy of the senses is turned upside down to question the tangible.
Tales of the bodiless is comprised of four futurist tales where humans have disappeared. The viewer, only palpable body, is trapped in clouds of a strange texture and colourful voices, and becomes the disorientated auditor of strange fictions: a whole world of feelings where hearing and touch are at central to the experience. This show created by a choreographer submerges us in a strange and violent state of weightlessness, where we are dispersed or engulfed. This is a very singular journey at the heart of science fiction, at a time where humans have ceased to exist.
“Nowadays, I no longer feel the need to be stage. Also, I like to lean new things with every play, otherwise I get bored. My art is experimental: I do not use a well-tried method. I want the audience to experiment as well.” Eszter Salamon
Dans la presse
“Testimonials and speaking overtake the dancing. Fetishizing dance as an art that can express anything and everything doesn’t concern me”, she announced. “Personally, I need words and in fact can’t do without them these days. For Tales of the Bodiless, I also wanted to enlarge the documentary scope of my work to speculate on something that concerns everyone: the body and its disappearance".
Does “Tales of the Bodiless” crystallize a progressive detachment from movement? "I don’t need to be on stage anymore”, she asserts. “Anyway, I like to learn new things with each piece, otherwise I get bored. My art is experimental: I don’t apply a proven formula, and I want the spectators to experiment as well”.
Rosita Boisseau - Le Monde.
Directed by Eszter Salamon.
Original idea, written and choreography by Eszter Salamon & Bojana Cvejic.
Music by Cédric Dambrain & Terre Thaemlitz.
Music advisor: Berno Odo Polzer.
Lighting by Sylvie Garot.
Sound by Peter Böhm.
Technical Director: Philippe Baste.
Recordings: Bart Aga.
Vocals: Polina Akhmetzyanova, Sasa Asentic, Ragna Aurich, Joanna Bailie, Patricia Barakat, Eleanor Bauer, Bérengère Bodin, Bojana Cvejic, Marcus Doverud, David Helbich, Gérald Kurdian, Johan Leysen, Chrysa Parkinson, Jan Ritsema, Eszter Salamon, Michael Schmid, Terre Thaemlitz, and Tracee Westmoreland among others.
Choir Conductor: David Helbich.
Bodies: Eszter Salamon, Sasa Asentic.
Production, organisation and administration: Alexandra Wellensiek- Botschaft Gbr, extrapole-Agnès Henry and Marianne Cosserat.
Coproduced by KunstenfestivaldesArts (Brussels), Les Spectacles Vivants/Ircam-Centre Pompidou (Paris), Internationales Tanzfest-Tanz im August 2011 (Berlin), Choreographisches Zentrum NRW - Pact Zollverein (Essen), steirischer herbst festival (Graz), Kampnagel (Hambourg), Les Subsistances (Lyon).
With the support of: Kaaitheater (Brussels), Kunstencentrum Buda (Kortrijk), Q-02 (Brussels), PAF (St. Erme).
Research Residency: projet 6M1L-Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon.
Studio lent by: Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape.
Project was coproduced by NXTSTP, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union and the help of
Fondation Culturelle de la Fédération.
Tales by Bojana Cvejic, dramaturge.
1st tale: The Bog (La Tourbière)
Everything begins in an undefined period—five thousand years ago or tomorrow—in a bog. A bog is a damp, swampy area where peat progressively forms, creating a soil rich in organic, vegetable matter that hasn’t or has only slightly decomposed. Bogs generally form in a damp climate due to abundant rainfall on impenetrable, acidic soil. A habitat sensitive to the slightest variations in conditions, this historic ecosystem preserves the memory of dead vegetation and lives past. It has therefore been possible to exhume from certain bogs bodies that were buried centuries ago, but whose organs, skin and hair are extremely well preserved, as if mummified by the bog. What would happen
if we decided to waste away like one of these bog mummies and become one with the landscape?
2nd tale: Dogs (Chiens)
This tale provides a glimpse of our world, deserted by humans and abandoned to their faithful friends: dogs! Human history begins with hunting and gathering, activities that would never have evolved if we hadn’t tamed wolves. Dogs were domesticated to provide us various services: guide dogs, hunting dogs, guard dogs, dogs for the blind, therapeutic dogs, guinea-pig dogs, sentimental slaves.
The origin of dogs as a species is unclear: their short biological history doesn’t tell us if dogs, cousins of wolves, result from a natural mutation or if humans are responsible, at least partially. By raising and selecting dogs for more than three centuries, human beings have shaped a few dozen races of dogs to have particular desired qualities. After a long period (15,000 years) of submission to human masters, the new canine era begins with decolonisation. Dogs begin thinking about their future: will this be their chance to continue evolving, free of the human yoke?
3rd tale: Substitution
Substitution is a world in which the distinction between the sexes gives way to a distinction between those who no longer have a body and those who do. The relationship between the embodied and the disembodied, called “substitution”, is a commercial one known as the “oldest profession in the world”: prostitution. Within the framework of “substitution”, the “customers” subject to desire are the disembodied beings. Their desire is to feel bodily sensations once again.
Now that they are bodiless, this desire leads them to seek out physical pleasure by delegation: from those whose bodies enable them enjoy the pleasures of the senses. The substitutes are the only beings who can still enjoy their bodies. They substitute for the disembodied, doing, playing, or acting out in their stead the sought-after sensorial pleasure. The act itself takes place without physical contact, simply because physical contact is impossible between a body and a non-body.
4th tale: Dots (Points)
The substitutes practice bacterial sex. This is not to reproduce a species, but to reproduce particles of a being—the substitute. In their erotic bulimia, the substitutes’ bodies get fatter, become obese, swell immeasurably. Their flesh then dissolves and foams into billions and billions of microscopic bubbles, one-celled organisms that explode like billions and billions of micro-orgasms. Just when the explosion becomes stronger than desire, the substitutes experience the ultimate pleasure—like the heat death of the universe—and become dust. They then become particles, or dots, of infinitely tiny mass.
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Residence dates:
10-26 March 2011
Social Gatherings:
“Babel” on 17 November When the play finishes, meeting with the creative team