Walls and Bridges, the Franco-American arts and ideas series, is returning to New York for a third season in October. Curated by the Villa Gillet (director: Guy Walter) and presented by France’s Conseil de la création artistique (general representative: Marin Karmitz)
Walls and Bridges is a 10-day series of performances and critical explorations uniting French and American thinkers and performers from the social sciences, philosophy and live arts.This season’s wide selection of events spans more than 20 debates, concerts, dance performances, screenings, exhibitions and even a transatlantic haute cuisine picnic. In addition, “Infinite Affinities,” a special series sponsored in part by the Institut Français and co-curated by Les Subsistances, a creative research laboratory based in Lyon and philosophers Avital Ronell and François Noudelmann will bring many of France’s most innovative performance artists and choreographers to New York for the first time. With Nathan Israël & Volodia Lesluin, Maud Le Pladec, Adrien Mondot & Claire Bardane, Gilles Pastor & Vincent Boujon, Mathieu Bauer, Antonia Baehr, Miguel Gutierrez, Dan Safer, Annie-B Parson…
Les Subsistances
Laboratoire international
de création artistique / Lyon
Cirque - Théâtre - Danse
8 bis quai St Vincent - 69001 Lyon
+33 (0)4 78 39 10 02