Raclette with the neighbours is an informal meal. At least it usually is . . . This meal begins calmly enough as an insipid neighbourhood party, but quickly degenerates. Gifted with a devastating sense of derision, the Chiens de Navarre tear into traditions with strong teeth that bite below the belt. As tensions mount, the dialogues and monologues get crazier. A young theatre collective, the Chiens de Navarre dare to do anything, from the most commonplace to the most provocative. The result is an infinitely burlesque, joyous, devastating and controlled theatre. Production A creation by the Chiens de Navarre. Direction: Jean-Christophe Meurisse. With: Caroline Binder, Céline Fuhrer, Robert Hatisi, Manu Laskar, Thomas Scimeca, Anne-Elodie Sorlin, Maxence Tual, Jean-Luc Vincent, and the participation of Antoine Blesson. Lighting design: Mikaël Oliviero. Manager and lighting operator: Vincent Millet. Stage manager: Yvon Julou. Sound operator: Jonathan Reig. Administration - Production - Distribution: Antoine Blesson and Claire Nollez. Production: Le Grand Gardon Blanc. Co-production for the reprisal: La rose des vents – Scène nationale Lille Métropole/Villeneuve d’Ascq. With the assistance of the ADAMI for the reprisal. With the support of the Théâtre de Vanves – Scène conventionnée pour la danse, and the Ménagerie de Verre – Paris. |
Les Subsistances
Laboratoire international
de création artistique / Lyon
Cirque - Théâtre - Danse
8 bis quai St Vincent - 69001 Lyon
+33 (0)4 78 39 10 02