> Mathieu Bauer / Compagnie Sentimental Bourreau
"Tristan et... "
First production based on the myth of Tristan and Isolde.
Freely adapted from Richard Wagner’s libretto, texts by Lancelot Hamelin
First production – Theatre/Musi
> Lectures
5 readings in 3 voices allow us to discover some of the most singular styles in today’s French literature.
Belinda Cannone, Célia Houdart, Michèle Lesbre, Patrice Pluyette and Vincent Delecroix will read their texts in partnership with actors Angélique Clairand and Cécile Bournay.
+ The Great Summer Fooding® - 07 June 09
See the programm (pdf in french/372kb)
Mathieu Bauer / Compagnie Sentimental Bourreau ''Tristan et...''
''Tristan et ...'' - First production – Theatre/ Music
Reading in 3 voices (1 writer + 2 actors)
Reading Patrice Pluyette
Reading Belinda Cannone
Reading Michèle Lesbre
Reading Vincent Delecroix
Reading Célia Houdart
Readings Support by 2 actors
Pique-nique géant
Grand Fooding® d'été