’’Ça Tchatche!’’
23-26 April 09
See programm (pdf in french/1,8mb)
See calendar (pdf in french/96kb)
See flyer (pdf in french/220kb)
See press book (pdf in french/884kb)
See poster (pdf in french/ 312kb)
From 23 to 26 April 09,
Lyon is once again the city of every language.
Over 10 shows
Theatre, circus, dance, music
Artists, foreign languages and talking animals!
Penetrate the mystery of languages
With the most surprising contemporary artists
Discover foreign languages
Dozens of Lyon locals from here and everywhere invite you to open the doors to their world.
J.Duviquet & C.Casmèze / "Cet animal qui nous regarde"
Massimo Furlan / "You can speak, you are an animal"
Pascale Henry / "Entrée libre"
O.Darbelley & M.Jacquelin "Ur Asamlet"
New-York en live
Big Dance Theatre / "Comme Toujours Here I Stand"
Dan Safer / "Vicious Dogs on Premises"
Cie Ieto / "Ieto"
Karole Seyve / "Toute seule contre vous-même"
LagunArte / "Dong !"
Des habitants et des langues étrangères
J.Latarjet & A.Fleischer / "My Way (A notre façon)"
Language courses
''American express'' courses
Les +++
Dan Safer & Ildi ! Eldi / "Heaven on earth"
Pierre Hœzelle / "Ahah" / Installations
Ghislaine Hamid / "Femmes courage" Exhibition
D.Charotte & P.Rémi ''Impromptu théâtral''
Moulay Tayeb & les Gnawa de Marrakech / Concerts
Projets artistiques / edition 09
Call to participants as soon as November 08!
Lyon locals born here or elsewhere, your mother tongue may be wanted. We would like to ask you to participate in one of the projects that will make the ’’Ça Tchatche!’’ WeekEnd an exciting event 2009.
I would like to be involved in:
> My Way with Joachim Latarjet & Alexandra Fleischer: Lullabies or protest songs, centred on childhood stories in mother tongues, Joachim Latarjet and Alexandra Fleisher invent singing and theatre sequences which will play out during the “Ça Tchatche!” WeekEnd.
Please Contact:
Yamina Aït-Yahia, Project Coordinator / +33(0)6 27 09 40 50 / myway@les-subs.com
> “Express language courses”: Uzbek, Creole, Mooré, Afghan, Franco-Provençal, Hungarian, Polish, Berber, Greek, Lyon’s local dialect, Bulgarian, Mandarin, etc. In 20 minutes maximum, spectators will learn ten key phrases required to get around in your home country. Around 30 volunteers who speak various languages will share a little of their language and culture with others.
Please Contact:
Yamina Aït-Yahia, Project Coordinator / +33(0)6 27 09 40 50 / coursdelanguesminute@les-subs.com
Projets artistiques / edition 08
Retrospective of past projects from the last event:
> ’’Les Boîtes’’ by Daniel Aschwanden & Peter Stamer with over 100 volunteers / participants.
> ’’Les lois de l’hospitalité’’ text by Olivia Rosenthal, directed by Marie Vialle (with over 20 volunteers / amateur actors).
> ’’Express Language Courses’’ with over 20 volunteer teachers.

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Booking tickets / Information desk
Buy your tickets beforehand
> until 22 april : by phone +33 (0)4 78 39 10 02 or at the ticket desk
(Tuesday to Saturday, 2pm-7pm)
> until 20 april : by e-mail resa@les-subs.com
(Booking must be paid for within 3 days / From 20 April onwards, instant payment required)
During the WeekEnd, you can only buy tickets on site and on the day:
Thursday 23, Friday 24 / from 5pm
Saturday 25 / from 2pm
Saturday 26 / from 1pm
Outside outlet
Le Kiosque Théâtre, 16 place des Terreaux Lyon 1er (sale tickets on the day)
€5 : ’’Cet animal qui nous regarde’’, ’’You can speak, you are an animal’’, ’’Ur Asamlet’’, ’’Comme
Toujours Here I Stand’’, ’’Vicious Dogs on Premises’’, ’’Toute seule contre vous-même’’
€4: ’’Ieto’’
Free : ’’Entrée libre’’, ’’Dong !’’, ’’My way (À notre façon)’’, ’’Heaven on earth’’, ’’Femmes courage’’, ’’Ahah’’