« Ahah* »

Pierre Hœzelle

* Ahah, n. Opening in a fencing wall to open or extend the view.

Cast and crew, thanks to

Interactive installations april 09

Thursday, Friday from 7pm / Saturday, Sunday from 2pm

Pierre Hœzelle, a young artist, offers us a few ways to play with words in lights and sounds, rediscovering the meaning of unusual words, playing hangman with the lighting, feeding a sentence through the absurd ringer of machine translation software, playing a poem in different languages, etc. He is also in charge of the lighting onsite.

Background: Pierre Hœzelle continues his personal artistic work started with the installation entitled Dernier coup de filet, designed for the 2008 Fête des Lumières (Lighting Festival held at the Pont Lafayette).

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon