Every night, actors Angélique Clairand and Cécile Bournay support writers and unveil selected extracts.
Angélique Clairand has trained with the CNR in Nantes, the Ecole de la Comédie in Saint-Étienne and the Ecole des Maîtres. In 2000, she co-founded Compagnie des Lumas with Eric Massé, for which she performed and helped directing Marivaux’s L’île aux esclaves, Concertina (inspired by Fragmentation d’un lieu commun by Jane Sautière and Le Parloir de mes songes by Michel X), Sophie Lannefranque’s Encouragement(s), and Jean Genet’s Les Bonnes - Intimité & Reconstitution. She has also directed, together with Eric Massé, Retour au fumier, and Les Moinous (a trilogy inspired by the work of Raymond Federman). She has performed in plays directed by other people, such as Stanislas Nordey, Roland Fichet, Jean-Claude Berrutti, Frédéric Fisbach, Robert Cantarella, Richard Brunel, Annie Lucas, Karelle Prugneau, etc. More recently, she has presented La bête à deux dos ou le coaching amoureux by Yannick Jaulin as part of the Ça Tchatche WeekEnd 08, and Le pansage de la langue.
A student at the drama school Comédie de Saint-Étienne (1999-2002), Cécile Bournay then worked as one of its in-house actors from 2002 to 2003. She worked among others with Pierre Maillet, Jean-Claude Berutti, Christian Schiaretti, Marcial di Fonzo Bo, Éric Massé, Olivier Rey, Johanny Bert, Zouzou Leyens and Giorgio Barberio Corsetti. At her arrival in Lyon, she was discovered by Michel Raskine, who cast her in 2006 in Shakespeare’s play Pericles for the Festival des Nuits de Fourvière, then in Sartre’s Huis-Clos (No Exit). Since 2007, she has worked in partnership with Angélique Clairand, who she met at the Comédie de Saint-Étienne, on projects such as La bête à deux dos ou le coaching amoureux and Le pansage de la langue in 2008.