Accueil > Week_End Ça Valse ! > Mâtitube, pièce tout terrain

« Mâtitube,

pièce tout terrain »

Christophe Huysman

Les Hommes penchés

Pictures & Movies
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Dates, durée, tarif, résidence, RDV publics, liens

Flagpole Circus

10.11.12 october 08

Three strange men perched on a flagpole talk, talk and talk some more... of what they are doing together, of how they perceive life. This trio is slowly dragged into a metronomic hell, trapped by speed, danger and words. They suddenly fly, walk in the air... In their wake, words take off, start flying. Mâtitube, pièce tout terrain is the type of show that should be performed in the public arena, like the talking merry-go-round that it is. Christophe Huysman is a writer, a director, and an all-round man of theatre. He’s now coming back to Les Subsistances, following 2006’s HUMAN (articulations). Through the medium of circus, he tries to offer the body more ways to seize the chance to express itself.

Schedule Fri 8:30pm, Sat 5:00pm and 8:15, Sun 3:30pm and 7:00pm

Duration 30 min / Price €3

See synopsis (pdf in french/40kb)

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon