« Tristan et ... »
Mathieu Bauer /
Cie Sentimental Bourreau
First production based on the myth of Tristan and Isolde.
Freely adapted from Richard Wagner’s opera. Texts by Lancelot Hamelin.
First production – Theatre/ Music
Performances 23-27 June 09 at 9.30pm
Mathieu Bauer, musical theatre director, musician and founder of company Sentimental Bourreau, is giving us his personal, 21st-century version of the major love story between Tristan and Isolde. With its 4 actors, 1 opera singer, 5 musicians - and for the music, a banjo, a marimba, a trumpet, a double bass, and a piano - the adaptation of this myth will certainly be a very personal work, all the more so since the text will be written by Lancelot Hamelin, a writer from Lyon whose style is truly lyrical and inextinguishable.
Tristan drinks what he thinks is poison and gives the goblet to Isolde: thinking themselves in the kingdom of the dead, they confess their love when the boat berths. When they should be united in death, they are united in love. Whether as a Middle Ages story of war, magic and faithfulness, or as Wagner’s libretto and pinnacle of Western opera, this love story has been reborn many times since its inception.

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Extrait / Les Carnets ’’Tristan 2’’ de Lancelot Hamelin
Notre opéra s’est-il
achevé pendant mon
sommeil ? Qu’en reste-t’il ?
Le reflet de nos vies se
brouille déjà dans le
philtre de ma conscience ?
Cette goutte ?
Je n’ai pas vu le navire
revenir, voile ou blanche
ou noire,
Isolde ou non,
c’est résolu, reste cette
mélodie, le berger joue sur
sa flûte, le jour de la mort
de mon père, ce jour de
mon enfance, je suis à
nouveau nu, blessé,
amputé d’une goutte de
moi, goutte de mon
avenir, goutte de mon
Cette plage serait-elle le
point où le temps et
l’espace se joignent, au
point exact de la mort ?
Je ne suis plus Tristan,
seul, isolé d’elle, cette
goutte qui m’éveille, c’est
donc - là - nous...
Having trained as a professional percussion player, Mathieu Bauer became the co-founder in 1990 of the company Sentimental Bourreau, then its artistic director in 1999. His passion for music and cinema inspired Sentimental Bourreau, as well as its first-ever production, Les Carabiniers, an adaptation of Jean-Luc Godard, and L’Exercice a été profitable, Monsieur (2003), which alludes to texts by the cinema critic Serge Daney. Mathieu Bauer incorporates live music in his plays - this also characterises Sentimental Bourreau – where musicians serve as a harmonic counterpoint to the actors performance. Bauer refuses to consider music and theatre as two separate entities. In Rien ne va plus (2005), whose title refers to the universe of casinos, texts by Dostoïevski, Zweig, Henry Bataille and Nick Tosh rub shoulders with movie clips and images shot in Las Vegas, all connected through live music. Besides live concerts when Mathieu Bauer plays with instrumental rock outfit Sentimental Bourreau, he has been musically involved in several movies. As an actor, he has played in L’amour by Philippe Faucon, Sale comme un ange by Catherine Breillat and Les yeux menteurs du jour by Le Bret. In 2007, Mathieu Bauer has presented Tendre jeudi at the Avignon Festival, adapted from the novel of the same name by John Steinbeck.
Born in 1972, Lancelot Hamelin alternates between his roles as an actor, director and writer. As a founding member of the Théâtre du Grabuge in 1996, he aims to shift theatre to the outer realms of intimacy and politics, and to convey this experience outside of cultural venues. Until 2003, he developed, in partnership with Théâtre du Grabuge, a "wall-less” theatre in diverse venues such as bars, young workers housing projects, etc. Among others, he wrote and directed La Plaie (1997), Du whisky sur les médicaments (1998), STO? Salades, Tomates, Oignons (1999), performed in bars and young workers housing projects in France and abroad, and OPEPK - Opéra Europe Kebab, showcased at Les Subsistances in 2002. He also lead the writing and directing project Huit voix dans un hôtel de montagne, which gave the floor, in the form of six separate texts, to eight members of the same family, whose story gathered pace between the war in Algeria and today. More recently, Lancelot Hamelin has focused on his writing to produce many different texts such as Alta Villa contrepoint, directed in November 2007 at the Théâtre Ouvert in Paris by Mathieu Bauer.
Cast and crew
With Marc Berman, Judith Henry, Matthias Girbig, and Pauline Sikirdji.
Music written by Mathieu Bauer (percussions), Sylvain Cartigny (guitar, banjo), Arthur Simon (trumpet), Stan Bruno Valette (sampler), Mara Dobresco (piano).
Directed by Mathieu Bauer.
Texts by Lancelot Hamelin.
Adapted from Richard Wagner’s libretto.
Stage Design / Lighting by Jean-Marc Skatchko
Directing Assistant: Martin Selze.
Choreography by Roser Montllo Guberna.
Sound by Jean-Marc Istria.
Video by Stéphane Lavoix.
Costumes by Nathalie Raoul.
Set manager: Cédric Marie.
Lighting by Julien Chatenet.
Thanks to
Coproduced by Les Subsistances / Lyon / France, Sentimental Bourreau, Comédie de Béthune-CDN Nord Pas-de-Calais, CDN Orléans-Loiret-Centre, Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers.
With the support of CDN Nouveau Théâtre in Montreuil and SPEDIDAM.
Sentimental Bourreau is subsidised by the French Ministry of Culture - DRAC Île-de-France and the regional council of Île-de-France.
© Editions Gallimard pour la traduction d’André Miquel de Tristan et Isolde de Richard Wagner.
Tuesday 23, wenesday 24, thursday 25, friday 26, saturday 27 june 09 at 9.30 pm
Duration : 1 hr 50 min approx
Pirce :
€ 12 (€ 9 / € 6)
7-27 june 09