Karole Seyve / Cie Pire Que Debout
« Toute seule contre vous-même »
Vertical buffoon
Prize of European Circus budding talent 2006. april 09
Thursday, Friday 10pm / Saturday 6pm / Sunday 5.15pm
A strange clown lives hanging to his wall. In her vertical living room, she simply tries to inject a sense of order in his life. A surprising act by a wall-climbing clown created by a very young artist.
Facing the wall is a slightly androgynous woman, a wee bit outside of the ordinary, ordinarily at odds, at the edge of life, who roams the vertical surface of her home. With her wall she invents pieces of life and searches for her identity... She becomes a puppet-man, a snake-woman, and she sings, dances and speaks with the world of objects around her. We follow her in the maze of her dreams, her nightmares, her habits and her little quirks. Toute seule contre vous-même is a solo climbing-clown act, an exploration of a vertical poetic universe, in which dark irony rubs shoulders with an ode to life’s little pleasures.

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It was during acrobatics courses at Yole and at the Ecole de cirque de Lyon that Karole Seyve discovered the universe of the clown, which was to be the basis for her show A deux dans la baignoire, with a pair of clowns in the crazy universe that will come to epitomise the company Pire Que Debout. Karole Seyve then joins the acrobatics theatre of Marseille where clowns face vertical surfaces. Her research there will lead to the creation of Toute seule contre vous-même, which has benefited from the input of people such as Jonathan Sutton (Théâtre du Soleil), Bruno Dizien (a pioneer in vertical dancing), Pierre Berthelot (Générik Vapeur), Vincent Gomez (Anomalie) and Eric Blouet (Kumulus).
Karole Seyve was awarded the prize of European Circus budding talent 2006.
Cast and crew
Written and performed by Karole Seyve.
Composition / Sound: Christophe Cartier.
Set Design by Alexandre Favaretto / Sud Side.
Lighting Design by Gauthier Gravelle.
Photos: Laurent Muetto & Alexandre Maubert.
Coproduction : Jeunes Talents Cirque 2006.
Soutien : Théâtre acrobatique / Karwan / Archaos.