Joachim Latarjet & Alexandra Fleischer / Cie Oh ! Oui
« My way (À notre façon) »
Artistic activities project developed
in partnership with locals of every nationality living
in La Guillotière area in Lyon
Musical theatre
6 x 10 min approx. april 09
1 before each show during the WeekEnd + My way (À notre façon)
In full, Sunday at 7:30pm
Every person has a special song, which may remind them of their childhood, their home country, their travels or even a wedding, a christening, a funeral, etc. Songs that everybody knows but which seem somehow to belong to just us, and that is jealously kept. With the company Oh! Oui…, Lyon locals of all origins will create short music interludes and play the songs that accompanied them in their lives.
“Composer Gustav Mahler used to say that he always had a sad little merry-go-round melody in his head… At Les Subsistances, we will try to find together, in our own way, our little merry-go-round music… This will be a musical theatre show, made of four pieces, centred around songs, words, and memories, even if one can’t sing, even if the only things one knows how to do is sing, and if one prefers to stay silent…"
Joachim Latarjet & Alexandra Fleischer

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How does it work?
> Oct. / Nov. 08: Presentation of the project to the organisations and locals of La Guillotière.
> 29 & 30 Nov. 08: The group is formed. Starting with stories and songs, the first time actors/h aunters commence rehearsals (short work sessions at Les Subsistances and La Guillotière area).
> 16 & 17 Jan. 09: Joachim Latarjet and Alexandra Fleischer collect acoustic matter: they have met more than 20 people, interviewed them and made them sing.
> April 09: Following regular workshops, a public rehearsal will take place on 18 April at the Jean Macé library. Then, first time actors/singers will present the short sequences before the start of shows during the Ça Tchatche! WeekEnd #2.
Joachim Latarjet is a musician and a trombone player. He co-founded with Alexandra Fleischer the company Oh! Oui… and has directed musical theatre shows such as Du travail bien fait, F. le Fou, l’assassin, Oh! Oui…, Hox, Acte V, Happy end, Stille Nacht (created at Les Subsistances during the Ça Tchatche! WeekEnd in 2008), There it is, and a screening with live music on Charley Bowers, genius handyman. Latarjet is also a founding member of company Sentimental Bourreau. He has been involved in all the productions of this theatre company from 1989 to 2004. He has worked with Michel Deutsch on Imprécations II, IV, 36. He has composed the soundtrack for Philippe Decouflé’s Solo. From season 2008-2009 onwards, he is an associate artist of La Filature (Scène nationale de Mulhouse) and the Théâtre d’Arras, where he will produce a play entitled Ce que Nous Vîmes in March 2009.
Alexandra Fleischer is an actor. She has worked on the big screen with Alexis Miansarow, Frédéric Jardin, James Huth, Nicole Garcia, etc. and on stage, with Steve Kalfa, Lucie Nicolas, Nordine Lahlou and Edouard Baer (at the “Grand Mezze”). She has several shows under her belt: Il faut bien se prendre un peu de Bonheur and Noirs Paradis by Rosa Liksom.
Cast and crew
Directed by Joachim Latarjet & Alexandra Fleischer.
Performed by Chawki D., Alice D., Ouiza H., Laure H., Aglaé M., Sidki, Chi T., Yuchen L., Muriel B., Aimable C., Julie C., Nicole D., Guillermo G., Marie M., Hadia M., Zakia Q., Hassanati M...
Coordinator: Yamina Aït-Yahia, with the assistance of Camille Chaslot and Aurélia Szulc (EAC trainees).
Thanks to
Production & Residence: Les Subsistances / Lyon / France.
In partnership with IFRA, AFEV, Bibliothèque Jean Macé, CMTRA. With the help of: Région-Fiacre / Volet Médiation culturelle.
1 before each show during the WeekEnd + My way (À notre façon)
In full, Sunday at 7:30pm
6 -26 april 09